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Medical Team

Responsible for updating other team members with recent Recent Medical Information,Medical break news . Providing Physicians with recent Medical literature and Publications . Collecting Medical feedback about Efficacy and Side effects of our Products.

Negotiation Team

is actually part of the preparation of the negotiation and its role is solving all problems arising, evaluation, argumentation and counter-argumentation. All team members know and involve in solving specific problems related to the negotiations that will take place. Team members are charted and distributed according to the qualities of each, to well-defined objectives that are designed to be performed

Smile Team

Responsible for Preparation,organization and managing mega events established by the company. Responsible for social Media moderation Idea and content Creations. Responsible for Team building and Social activity.

Presentation Team

responsible for organizing and providing scientific information or media to Physicians through live face to face meetings . responsibilities include creating and rehearsing scripts, meeting with various personnel and organizing interviews for meetings.